Girls Youth Fall Teams

Girls Fall Youth 2030-2033 Teams

Bolts Youth Travel Teams are designed to help every player improve their skills and develop a profound love for the game. These developed skills and deep love of the game will provide every player a solid foundation for a successful career!


Program Information

10 Team Practices

Team practice will be lead by our elite staff of coaches and custom tailored to each player’s positional and developmental needs.

1 Tournament & 1 Play Day

These Events are Mandatory

Travel, Hotel, food & Chaperoning

Food, travel and chaperoning are the responsibility of each family.

If you are unable to attend any tournaments with your child, please secure another chaperone or make arrangements with another family on the team.

Game & Tournament Information

October 26th & 27th: Rockey Mountain Showdown, Colorado Academy, Denver, CO

December 8th: Bolts Play Day, Holaday Athletic Complex, Colorado Springs*

*Date & Location subject to change

Practices Dates & Times

Location: Air Force Practice Turf Field or Holaday Athletic Complex

Tuesdays & Thursdays

October: 24th & 29th

November: 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 21st (No practice the week of Thanksgiving)

December: 3rd & 5th


*Practices times may shift slightly if fields are reserved for Air Force Varsity Teams

Team Cost: $395* + apparel fee

*Final cost will depend on number of players per team

Q: Why are we using a range for the team fee?

A: In the past our fall teams have been smaller than our Summer teams. In an attempt to reduce our program cost we will be setting our team fee based on the number of players who sign up. More players=lower team fee.

Apparel Fee: New Players Only. This is a one-time apparel fee for new players which includes Adrenaline Jersey & Shorts. The apparel fee is $95. Once you have the apparel you can use it for future teams.  

Overview of Cost

 What's Included: Tournament Fees, Bolts Play Day, 10 Team Practices, & the best coaching in the country.

Whats Not included: Apparel Fee for new players ($95), Travel, food, and lodging for tournaments.


All of our team events are dependent on weather and/or local and state regulations.  If an event is canceled, we will do our best to reschedule, but cannot guarantee any particular event.