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Travel Team Player Application
Any players who lives outside of Colorado Springs, or any players unable to attend a tryout, may apply for a roster spot by completing the following form:
Highlight Video links can be inserted into the form above or a file can be emailed to
Please be prepared to submit the following:
A coaches contact for recommendations
A recent highlight film*
*In the event that a player does not have highlight film please provide a short video (2-5 min.) of the player doing the following (no video editing):
Attack & Middies
10 passes right handed (against a wall or with a partner)
10 passes left handed (against a wall or with a partner)
5 time & room shots right handed
5 time & room shots left handed
3 shots on the run right handed
3 shots on the run left handed
Defense & LSM’s
10 passes right handed (against a wall or with a partner)
10 passes left handed (against a wall or with a partner)
Four 10 yard sprints (in a row with change or direction)
Four 10 yard full speed shuffles (in a row with change of direction)
One 10 yard full speed back-peddle into a 10 yard sprint
10 passes strong handed (against a wall or with a partner)
10 passes 30-40 yards long
In goal for 10 hard shots (it’s ok to miss a save, we just want to watch technique)
For any questions regarding the application or video please email